Each case is unique, that is why we provide only individual and exceptional advisory services for all kind of businesses in Spain. PBA | PERSONAL BUSINESS ADVISORY uses advanced technologies for everything you may need about:
Tax Compliance
We use devoted and methodical approach to dealing with all your tax needs.
Consulting, planning and preparation of taxes for all kind of companies and their owner(s).
Each company is assessed individually for the best possible accounting solution.
Bookkeeping, business intelligence, costs analytics and rest of essential processes on a quarterly or monthly basis.
HR management
We provide useful legal advisory related with all aspects of hiring and maintaining employees in Spain.
Payrolls and monthly salaries reporting, arrangements with social security (national insurance), hiring contracts, dismissal
negotiations severance pay, etc.
Strong support for
Startups and new openers.
Consulting and solutions for efficient administration of your company. Guidance in E-commerce and international trade to comply with both Spanish and foreign regulations.
Visit our APPROACH page for detailed description of services we offer. Starting your own business has never been so easy. We will take care of all the legal issues. So you can take care of the rest.
Everything is individual and adopted to your needs.
Creation and closure of companies: Autonomos (self employed or freelancers) , Holdings, S.L. (LTD), S.A., C.B. (Community interest company), S.C.